Kamis, 25 September 2014

Soal Latihan IPS SMP

By: DoniN On: 17.59
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  • A. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang benar dengan memberi tanda silang (x) pada huruf a, b, c, atau d!
    1. Terjadinya Perang Asia Timur Raya ditandai dengan …
    a. serbuan Jepang ke Hongkong dan Korea
    b. serbuan Jepang ke Pearl Harbour
    c. pembentukan Poros Berlin-Roma-Tokyo
    d. pembentukan persekutuan ABDACOM

    2. Berbagai fakta berikut merupakan bukti bahwa negara fasis sangat ekspansionis, kecuali …
    a. Italia menyerbu Abessinia pada tahun 1934
    b. Jepang menyerbu Manchuria pada tahun 1935
    c. Jerman menyerbu Polandia tahun 1939
    d. Jerman, Italia, dan Jepang membentuk poros bersama

    3. Partai NAZI akhirnya berhasil memenangkan pemilu di Jerman pada tahun …
    a. 1928                                                 c. 1930
    b. 1929                                                 d. 1931

    4. Fasisme Italia berkeinginan menciptakan kejayaan Italia seperti yang pernah dialami pada masa …
    a. abad pertengahan       c. Romawi
    b. Renaissance                  d. Yunani Kuno

    5. Dimedan Pasifik, setelah berhasilmenguasai Indonesia, gelombang serangan Jepang diarahkan ke …
    a. Filipina                            c. Indo Cina
    b. Malaya                            d. Kep. Solomon

    6. Pada tanggal 10 Mei 1940, tanpa pernyataan perang, Jerman menyerbu …
    a. Rusia dan Yugoslavia                               c. Belanda dan Belgia
    b. Inggris dan Perancis                                 d. Yugoslavia dan Belanda

    7. Jepang dengan mudah menduduki kawasan Asia Tenggara karena …
    a. terjadinya perang koalisi di Eropa
    b. ditandatanganinya Perjanjian Versailles
    c. di Eropa berlangsung perang melawan Jerman dan Italia
    d. di Eropa terjadi krisis ekonomi

    8. Dalam buku Mein Kampf Adolf Hitler mengajarkan bangsa Jerman merupakan bangsa terhormat dan tertinggi derajatnya sehingga …
    a. berhak menindas bangsa lain
    b. berhak memerintah bangsa lain
    c. harus dihormati bangsa lain
    d. berhak bertindak apa pun demi kepentingan bersama

    9. Meletusnya Perang Dunia II membuktikan bahwa LBB …
    a. lebih memihak negara-negara fasis
    b. dimanfaatkan negara-negara komunis
    c. hanya memperhatikan masalah-masalah di Eropa
    d. gagal menjalankan misinya

    10. PiagamAtlantik (Atlantic Charter) merupakan hasil pertemuan antara…
    a. Roosevelt dan Churchill
    b. Woodrow Wilson dan Charles de Gaulle
    c. Truman dan Stalin
    d. Cecil Rhodes dan Wilson

    Soal Latihan IPS SMP

    By: DoniN On: 17.56
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  • A. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang benar dengan memberi tanda silang (x) pada huruf a, b, c, atau d!
    1. Terjadinya Perang Asia Timur Raya ditandai dengan …
    a. serbuan Jepang ke Hongkong dan Korea
    b. serbuan Jepang ke Pearl Harbour
    c. pembentukan Poros Berlin-Roma-Tokyo
    d. pembentukan persekutuan ABDACOM

    2. Berbagai fakta berikut merupakan bukti bahwa negara fasis sangat ekspansionis, kecuali …
    a. Italia menyerbu Abessinia pada tahun 1934
    b. Jepang menyerbu Manchuria pada tahun 1935
    c. Jerman menyerbu Polandia tahun 1939
    d. Jerman, Italia, dan Jepang membentuk poros bersama

    3. Partai NAZI akhirnya berhasil memenangkan pemilu di Jerman pada tahun …
    a. 1928                                                 c. 1930
    b. 1929                                                 d. 1931

    4. Fasisme Italia berkeinginan menciptakan kejayaan Italia seperti yang pernah dialami pada masa …
    a. abad pertengahan       c. Romawi
    b. Renaissance                  d. Yunani Kuno

    5. Dimedan Pasifik, setelah berhasilmenguasai Indonesia, gelombang serangan Jepang diarahkan ke …
    a. Filipina                            c. Indo Cina
    b. Malaya                            d. Kep. Solomon

    6. Pada tanggal 10 Mei 1940, tanpa pernyataan perang, Jerman menyerbu …
    a. Rusia dan Yugoslavia                               c. Belanda dan Belgia
    b. Inggris dan Perancis                                 d. Yugoslavia dan Belanda

    7. Jepang dengan mudah menduduki kawasan Asia Tenggara karena …
    a. terjadinya perang koalisi di Eropa
    b. ditandatanganinya Perjanjian Versailles
    c. di Eropa berlangsung perang melawan Jerman dan Italia
    d. di Eropa terjadi krisis ekonomi

    8. Dalam buku Mein Kampf Adolf Hitler mengajarkan bangsa Jerman merupakan bangsa terhormat dan tertinggi derajatnya sehingga …
    a. berhak menindas bangsa lain
    b. berhak memerintah bangsa lain
    c. harus dihormati bangsa lain
    d. berhak bertindak apa pun demi kepentingan bersama

    9. Meletusnya Perang Dunia II membuktikan bahwa LBB …
    a. lebih memihak negara-negara fasis
    b. dimanfaatkan negara-negara komunis
    c. hanya memperhatikan masalah-masalah di Eropa
    d. gagal menjalankan misinya

    10. PiagamAtlantik (Atlantic Charter) merupakan hasil pertemuan antara…
    a. Roosevelt dan Churchill
    b. Woodrow Wilson dan Charles de Gaulle
    c. Truman dan Stalin
    d. Cecil Rhodes dan Wilson

    Soal Latihan IPA SMP

    By: DoniN On: 17.54
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  • 1.  Peristiwa yang terjadi pada pengisian akumulator (aki) merupakan perubahan bentuk energi dari ....
    2.  Energi yang berasal dari bahan fosil suatu saat akan habis, maka diperlukan energi alternatif yang berasal dari luar bumi, yaitu ....
    3.  Penghematan energi sangat penting untuk kelangsungan hidup. Salah satu cara untuk menghemat energi adalah ....
    4.  Pemain sepak bola menggunakan sepatu bola yang bawahnya dibuat kasar dan banyak tonjolan. Hal ini bertujuan untuk ....
    5.  Mobil sedan yang mogok dapat bergerak jika didorong. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa gaya mempengaruhi ....
    6.  Perubahan energi yang terjadi pada turbin generator adalah ....
    7.  Cahaya yang merambat di antara dua bidang permukaan yang berbeda kerapatannya akan mengalami ....
    8.  Bunyi merambat paling cepat melalui ....
    9.  Bunyi yang dapat didengar oleh manusia disebut ....
    10.  Suatu benda dikatakan benda gelap jika benda itu ....

    Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP

    By: DoniN On: 17.52
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  • Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan memilih salah satu jawaban yang paling benar!
    1.    Which of the following sentence is the expression of asking certainty?
    A.  Well, I’m very sure about that.
    B.  John, Are you sure?
    C.  Well, I’m not so sure about that.
    D.  Try it, I’m sure you can!
    2.    Which of the following sentence is the expression of certainty?
    A.  Well, I’m very sure about that.
    B.  Well, I’m not so sure about that.
    C.  I know you can do it well.
    D.  Don’t worry, I will help you.
    3.    Which of the following sentence is the expression of uncertainty?
    A.  Sorry, I’m not so sure about that.
    B.  Well, I’m very sure about that.
    C.  I know you can do it well.
    D.  Don’t worry, I will help you.
    4.    Which of the following sentence is the respond of uncertainty?
    A.  Sorry, I’m not so sure about that.
    B.  Well, I’m very sure about that.
    C.  I believe you can do it well.
    D.  Really?
    5.    Which of the following sentence is asking for repetition?
    A.  Sorry, I’m not so sure.
    B.  Well, that’s all right.
    C.  Sorry, I beg your pardon, sir?
    D.  Really?
    6.    Which of the following sentence is the respond of asking for repetition?
    A.  Do you understand?.
    B.  What did you say?.
    C.  Ok. Listen it well.
    D.  Really?
    7.    Andi   :      You know, “Jalak Bali Bird” are almost extinct now.
           Jimy  :      I see.. But How can it happen?
           The sentence “I see..” is the expression of:
    A.  Giving respond to uncertain..
    B.  Asking for certainty.
    C.  Showing uncertainty.
    D.  Showing attation
    8.      Ajeng         : What do you think of this new shirt?
        Danias      : That’s fantastic!  Where did you buy it?
        Ajeng        :           : In “Sinar Baru” super Market.
        The sentence That’s fantastic!  is the expression of:
    A.  Showing uncertainty.
    B.  Asking for certainty.
    C.  Showing attention.
    D.  Showing admiration
    9.      RANI
    This short message means:
    A.  Wenny asks Rany to bring bucket today.
    B.  Wenny asks Rany to bring bucket for two days.
    C.  Rany asks Wenny to bring bucket for two days.
    D.  Rany asks Wenny to bring bucket today.

    10.  From the advertisement above we know that …
    A.  Stella is best product.
    B.  Stella is used for therapy
    C.  Stella is air relaxation.
    D.  Stella is air freshener.

    Soal Latihan Bahasa INGGRIS SMP

    By: DoniN On: 17.50
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  • 1.    Read the following notice.
           The notice above means …
    a.    We are allowed to pass only in the weekend
    b.    We must not pass the road until weekend 
    c.    We are supposed to pass on Saturday
    d.    We are not allowed to close the road in weekend
    Read the invitation below and answer questions 2 and 3.
                                                    Please join us for party dinner
                                                                  To celebrate
                                                 ANNI’S THIRTIETH BIRTHDAY
                                                  On Saturday, April 20th, 2011
                                                              at 07.00 – 10.00 p.m
                                                        In the Etam Restaurant
                                                           Please arrive on time!
    2.    How old will Anni be in 2015?
    a.      Sixteen
    b.      Seventeen   
    c.      Sixty
    d.      Seventy
    3.    When will the party be held ?
    a.      In the evening
    b.      In the morning 
    c.      At midnight
    d.      At noon
    Read the following notice. 
    4.    What is the notice about?
    a.    To stop when the light turns red  
    b.    To keep driving when the light turns red
    c.    To be careful on the street
    d.    To turn off the front light during the day
    Read the following text and answer questions number 5 – 6.
           To. All students of SMP Bina Bangsa
           In the framework of National Education Day the Students Organization will hold some interesting programs. They are English Speech Contest and Class Wall Magazine Competition. The program will be held on May 2nd, 2011. Started from 8 a.m until 1 p.m. 
           All classes must take part in the programs.
           For detailed information, please contact Mr. Sulaiman, the coordinator of this program
    5.    What is the announcement above about?
    a.      A Students Board Organization
    b.      An English Speech Contest.
    c.      A National Day Celebration
    d.      A National Education Day Ceremony  
    6.    Based on the announcement above, these statements are correct, except ….
    a.      The program will be held on National Educational Day.
    b.      There are two competitions.
    c.      Mr. Sulaiman is in charge to organize the programs
    d.      The programs will last for four hours.  
    7.    The following notice means that people should … when they walk.
                                 WATCH YOUR STEP
    a.    Be careful  
    b.    Be noticed
    c.    Have steps
    d.    Use watch
    Look at the table and answer questions 8 – 9
                    Long time ago in West Java lived a woman named Dayang Sumbi. She lived alone in a forest. One dayDayang Sumbi was quilting when suddenly, her quilt fell off from her house. Then she prayed to God. “If a man picks up my quilt, he will be my husband. If a woman, she will be my sister.” Then a male dog picks it up. For keeping her words, Dayang Sumbi married the dog and called him Tumang. Dayang Sumbi gave birth to a baby, named him Sangkuriang but never told him who his father was.
                One day, Sangkuriang was hunting with Tumang in the forest and he found nothing. He blamed Tumang for the failure and killed him. When Dayang Sumbi knew that, she hit Sangkuriang’s head with a big spoon and asked him to go.
                Many years later, the wandering Sangkuriang found a house in the forest, and an old beautiful woman was in the house. The woman, Dayang Sumbi recognized the adventurer as Sangkuriang. Sangkuriang forced her to marry him and Dayang Sumbi asked him to make a vast boat in one night. In the night Sangkuriang called his friends, ghosts, and forest fairies, to help him. Dayang Sumbi feared the boat could be finished on time, so she asked some woman nearby to help her. The woman hit the grain punchers to make noise which disturbed the ghosts and the fairies. The ghosts and the fairies run away before completing the boat. Sangkuriang was very angry. He kicked away the boat upside down, and it turned into a mountain called Tangkuban Perahu. It means the down side boat, which stood in the north Bandung.         
    8.    Why did Sangkuriang kick away the boat upside down?
    a.      He failed to make the boat
    b.      He wanted to make a mountain from a boat
    c.      He was disappointed with the ghosts and the fairies
    d.      He wanted to show his strength to Dayang Sumbi
    9.    What is the moral value of the story?
    a.      Do not trust ghosts and fairies
    b.      Do not blame someone for our failure
    c.      Tell the truth to avoid something unexpected
    d.      Do the work patiently without asking for someone’s help
    Read the text to answer number 10 – 11
                Michael Joseph Jackson, Known as the “King of Pop”, was one of the best entertainer of all time. He made his debut in 1964 as a lead singer and youngest member of the Jackson Five. He began successful solo career in 1971. His 1982 album, Thriller, remains the best selling album of all time, with “Off the Wall” in 1979, “Bad” in 1987, “Dangerous” in 1991, and “History” in 1995 among the best selling.
                Jackson popularized a number of dance techniques, such as the robot and the moonwalk. His distinctive musical sounds, vocal style, and choreography has inspired numerous artists ranging in style from pop to hit pop music.
                He was also a notable philanthropist and humanitarian, who donated and raised millions of dollars through support of 39 charities and his own “Heal the World Foundation”.
                He married twice, first in 1994 and again in 1996, and brought up three children.
                While preparing for the “This Is It” concert tour in 2009, Jackson died at the age of fifty after suffering from cardiac arrest. His death was ruled a homicide by the Los Angeles county coroner. His death triggered grief from around the world with his globally live broadcast memorial service attracting an audience of up to one billion people.    
    10.  What is the text about?
    a.   King of Pop
    b.  The Jackson Five
    c.   The best entertainer
    d.  Michael Joseph Jackson